updates and thoughts
I’ve spent most of my free time working on some changes to my website… mostly things that are under-the-covers and you’ll only find out about if you go to my serialhex.net Github page. Some of the cool things I’ve implemented are:
- Starting to use BlazeHtml for my templates
- A script to convert my BlazeHtml templates to regular Html (as hakyll provides no way to simply go from a *.hs template file to a working template… I’m working on a better solution though)
- And a little of CSS spiffyness to actually make the site look better
The most interesting part of this is that as I’m working on my blog, I’m learning more & more Haskell, as the whole site is using Hakyll (which is made by the same guy who made BlazeHtml). I’m also looking to make my landing page give a snippit of each of the 3 latest posts, which should be an interesting (and probably short) snippit of Haskell. Though mainly I want to make my site look better, and thankfully there are a few people I can rely on to tell me that my site looks like crap and to fix it :-D
Oh, and I really, truly, love Git (and I’d probably like Mercurial just as well, but I don’t know it yet) the fact that I can have different branches and thus write posts while my site looks freaking ugly as I wrap my head around CSS is nice!